For many, having access to clean water is a normal thing; however, in many countries a lack of clean water is something that causes more than 800,000 deaths worldwide for children under the age of five. Two years ago United VARs managing director Detlef Mehlmann, visited Cambodia and witnessed these conditions and since then it is a project that he holds dearly. “The schools face disastrous hygienic conditions,” he said. “There is no drinking water. No toilets. No chance to even wash their hands. The students carry plastic bottles filled with water from dirty rivers. It was disconcerting to learn that this was the rule and not the exception. Almost all the children suffer from diarrhoea, and unfortunately many of them die under the age of 12.”

How is United VARs supporting the Project: WASH?
The Project: WASH was first introduced and proposed at the United VARs annual meeting in April 2019. This is when United VARs and the member companies' executives all agree to support the fundraising for WASH; Which would fund clean water systems in Cambodian schools.
More about Project: WASH

What will happen to the money?
"For € 15,000 to € 20,000, you can save the lives of 50 to 80 kids. It's unbelievable." Says Detlef Mehlmann.
20,000 € help to set up the water systems for clean drinking water and healthy hygenic conditions for one entire school of 300 children in Cambodia!
This really shows the impact that a clean water system can have. The donations will fund a new rainwater collection system with 4,000-liter tanks; the installation of bathrooms, toilets, hand washing stations, and a bio-sand filter; plus improved testing and training for students, teachers and school administrators.
How SAP contributes:
SAP has pledged to contribute € 20,000 to the cause. Adaire Fox-Martin, member of the Executive Board of SAP SE, applauded United VARs' initiative at the alliance's April meeting. "Corporate social responsibility is a strategic focus for SAP and our partners," Fox-Martin said. "I'm thrilled that United VARs is so committed to this very worthwhile initiative. We can all create a positive social impact in communities all around the world, and it's our mission to ensure a sustainable future for society ... to help make the world better and better people's lives.
What our members are doing:
The United VARs alliance agreed to contribute (on a voluntarily basis) 0.1 percent of all revenue reported during the second quarter of 2019. Our goal is to raise enough money to fund at least one fresh water system, but a strong quarter by the United VARs members has the ability to fund a system for a second school as well.
What can you do?
Let's not forget the power of reach of our community has. Thus, by being an employee of one of the United VARs member companies, we ask you to take this request personally: “Stronger than one” means that we can move something together, that on your own you wouldn’t be able to move! So let’s be part of the donation.
Donate by Transferring Now!
Bank account details:
BW Bank
IBAN: DE09 6005 0101 0001 3242 35
Account no. 1324235 - Bank Code: 60050101
Project WASH

Thanks to SAP and the United VARs members for their contribution of their revenue to this cause!

stronger than one