- May 11, 2021, Ratingen, Germany -
United VARs' next CSR project will be to support the children in the Santa Maria de la Armoní Project in Argentina, 380 km from Buenos Aires. Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V., with whom we worked in Tanzania, will work closely with the sisters (nuns) of la Armonia to identify families most in need of our support.
Daily challenges today consist of:
- not having regular access to clean drinking water, resulting in the families suffering from water-induced diseases, such as diarrhea.
- Hardly any toilets or sanitary facilities and limited hygiene options.
- No regular family life, often experiencing domestic violence, drug abuse, and prostitution at an early age.
- No educational opportunities and sadly, no life perspective.

The project was founded by Ulrike Flemming from Germany and Suky Perez from Argentina in 2004. Its vision is to improve the living conditions and health of 100 – 150 children from rural areas through teaching and homework supervision, sports, games, and hot meals. We want to give comfort and compassion to the children of Argentina. Children need hope for a better future. To achieve this, the project will hire Argentinian teachers, as well as some of the parents to work in the house and kitchen, helping to improve the financial situation of the whole family.
United VARs has agreed with Kleine Hilsaktion e.V. to donate €35,000 to the Santa Maria de la Armonía project and ask for voluntary donations from our member companies. The more donations received, the more children and families we can support in providing hope for a better future. The money will be spent on:
- Roofs for houses – corrugated iron roofs will be installed.
- Sanitation - toilets, hot water, solar boilers are being looked at as a solution.
- Drinking water - a submersible pump with a filter can pump and clean the water from underground.
- Plastering – plaster the huts to provide insulation.
- Heating – current heating devices pose a risk of fire.
- House foundations – currently many houses stand directly on the earth.

Corporate social responsibility helps to build trust, raise awareness, and encourages social change. It matters to our stakeholders that we are making a positive impact on the world through pro-social initiatives. Supporting the plight of these children and their families in Argentina is United VARs contribution to a world issue.
To know more about United VARs CSR 2021 project, please visit this website and please donate, thank you.
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