In 2021, United VARs is committed to supporting a CSR Project for the children in the Santa Maria de la Armonía project in Argentina, 380 km from Buenos Aires. Kleine Hilfsaktion e.V. will work closely with the sisters of la Armonía to identify families most in need of our support, with daily challenges including:
- not having regular access to clean drinking water, resulting in the families suffering from water-induced diseases, such as diarrhea.
- hardly any toilets or sanitary facilities and limited hygiene options.
- no regular family life, often experiencing domestic violence, drugs, and prostitution at an early age.
- no educational opportunities and sadly, no life perspective
The project’s vision is to improve the living conditions and health of 100 – 150 children from rural areas, through teaching and homework supervision, sports, games, and hot meals. We want to give comfort and compassion to the children of Argentina. Children need hope for a better future. To achieve this, the project will hire Argentinian teachers, as well as some of the parents to work in the house and kitchen, helping the whole family. This project is sustainable in many ways because it is meant to;
- Strengthen the educational offer through a local partner and help to maintain its infrastructure
- Strengthen the children's families so that they can even send their children to the educational institution.
- Immediately improve children's health through improved hygiene and clean drinking water

"I am very grateful with the team and the member companies of United VARs that make it possible to support this project in Argentina. I am sure we will reach the objective of improving the life of many families that have a lot of needs in this rural area, 400km from Buenos Aires."
From my heart: thank you United VARs!!!
Damián Szulman, Director Seidor Argentina, Member of United VARs
Kleine Hilfsaktion is a small non-profit association based in Germany, that is eager to provide help in a very direct and non-bureaucratic manner, and has collaborated with United VARs before for Project: WASH and Project: Tansania.
Key Facts on Santa Maria De La Armonía
Founded by Ulrike Flemming (Germany) and Suky Perez (Argentina) in 2004
Distance from Buenos Aires about is 380 km
100 - 150 children come from rual areas
Instrumental lessons, homework supervision, sports, games and fun, hot meal
The services are provided 4 times per week
Job creation
For Argentinian teachers, participation in the project means an additional income. While some parents help in the house and kitchen and can improve their financial situation

United VARs has agreed with Kleine Hilfsaktion to donate €35,000 to the Santa Maria de la Armonía project and receives voluntary donations from every single member company- thanks a lot!
The more donations received, the more children we can support in providing hope for a better future.
stronger than one