- Ratingen, Germany January 2024 -

To everyone who has supported our CSR Project in Pakistan in 2023, you will be pleased to know that the Street Children of Lahore have had a busy three months running up to the end of the year. Here are the highlights:

Sports Day

A Sports Day in October fostered a day of fun, competition, and physical activity at which the children showcased their talents, engaged in teamwork, and celebrated their abilities. We wanted to promote physical well-being while also boosting the children’s self-confidence, and this was achieved.

Community 3 School Reconstruction

A reconstructed school, free from the uncertainties of demolition associated with its former location, became the site for the new school in Bagrian in Johar Town Lahore. This vibrant community is comprised of 250 huts and families.

A two-week mobilization by the project’s staff took place, making the community aware of the educational program and its goals.

Regular classes for digital and traditional literacy have taken place, empowering the children with the skills and knowledge necessary to participate in a rapidly changing world. This was pre-empted by registration sessions and entry tests to assess the students’ abilities and assign them to the right level of learning.

Further Activities

Four Parent Training Health Camps were organized in the communities, with health & hygiene, education, children safety, and alternative livelihood opportunities workshops as the topics covered. Students were\are encouraged to embrace health & hygiene, to attend school, and foster a love of learning, and rewards were awarded.

Lady Health Worker visits facilitated 135 women, with more planned in January 2024.

Puppet Theatre Activities commenced in September 2023 and continued up to December, proving very popular with the families.

Parent - Teacher Workshops

Health Camps play an important part of the project’s ongoing commitment to community health, with the third camp successfully carried out at the end of November. 225 individuals attended. The camps provide essential medical support, guidance, and preventive care to the communities. The fourth and final health camp is scheduled for January 2024.

Fun and Appreciation Initiatives

  • Girls Day Celebration in October, bringing the community together to honour and empower the girls of the community.
  • Drawing days allowed the children to explore their artistic talents. Our wish was to provide a platform for self-expression and to nurture creativity.
  • Face and paper painting activities held on various days added a burst of colour and joy to the children and their families.
  • Teachers Day Celebration was held to express gratitude to the dedicated educators shaping the minds of the next generation. The event highlighted the importance of education and the role of teachers in community development.
  • Grooming Activities, such as hair and nail cutting sessions were held on different days, aimed at promoting personal grooming and hygiene among the children.

Challenges and Mitigation

  • Ongoing Challenges

Despite the success of our initiatives, ongoing challenges persist, including child labor affecting attendance, health issues within the communities, and staff health concerns due to regional hygiene challenges.

  • Mitigation Strategies

The mobilizers and instructors continue to work to improve attendance rates, address health challenges through LHW visits and Health Camps, and prioritize staff and student’s well-being by implementing hygiene protocols.

Way Forward (Dec 2023 – Feb 2024)

Our commitment to ongoing support and development for street children and their communities remains steadfast. Key initiatives planned for the upcoming months include:

  • Community *Mela: The venue for the Mela is the Children's Library. The objective of Mela is to bridge the gap between the street children and their respective communities with the mainstream communities and government institutions. The mela will also play a role in awareness of the community culture, art, and challenges.

*Mela is a Sanskrit word meaning a gathering or to meet. It is used in the Indian subcontinent for all sizes of gatherings and can be religious, commercial, cultural, or sport-related.

  • Continued Classes & Hygiene Initiatives: Sustaining regular classes for digital and traditional literacy to ensure continuous learning and community engagement. Ongoing hygiene practices, activities, and rewards to 12 reinforce good hygiene practices within communities, promoting well-being and a sense of responsibility.
  • Legal Documentation Assistance: Continued efforts to assist community members in obtaining essential legal documents, bridging the gap between legal recognition and the fulfillment of rights.
  • Impact Assessment: Conduct periodic assessments to gauge the impact of our initiatives, allowing for adjustments and improvements based on real-time feedback. Also, at the end of the project, an End-line survey will be done. The data collected will inform decision-making processes and help ensure the effectiveness and benefits of our programs.

About United VARs

United VARs is a global alliance of SAP solution providers mainly for the midmarket. With over 70 members in 100 countries, the alliance serves all types of SAP rollouts and integrations across the world.

Media Contact:

Carol Li, Communication Manager at United VARs


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