Mibcon, established in 1998, has merged with INFORMA and the company will be known as MIBFORMA in Slovakia, officially known as the Slovak Republic.

Currently, together with all the companies included in the Mibcon Group, there are 180 employees. The company is one of the most important Slovakian SAP partners and the only representative within the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic in the prestigious United VARs international partner network.

Download Summary


  • Czech Republic
  • Slovakia


  • Industrial Machinery & Components
  • Automotive
  • Wholesale Distribution
  • Retail
  • Utilities & Energy

SAP Competences

  • SAP S/4HANA Cloud
  • SAP HCM & SuccessFactors
  • SAP Customer Experience
  • SAP Analytics Cloud

Supplementary Offerings

  • Digital Signature solutions

Mibcon, established in 1998, has merged with INFORMA and the company will be known as MIBFORMA in Slovakia, officially known as the Slovak Republic.

Currently, together with all the companies included in the Mibcon Group, there are 180 employees. The company is one of the most important Slovakian SAP partners and the only representative within the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic in the prestigious United VARs international partner network.

MIBCON a.s. is a holding company consisting of 5 companies , including MIBCON a.s., MIBCON SK, Designeo Creative, Greensoft and MIBCON NDC which are focused on international expansion in the area of BI/EPM. Mibcon is a SAP Partner of Expertise since 2001. It is certified per existing SAP standards, audited service supply and maintenance. The company is optimizing business processes, reselling SAP licenses, implementing products from the whole SAP portfolio.

Mibcon respects the proven SAP standards and is not afraid of innovative processes and products. Comprehensive implementation of large ERP projects based on SAP is the strength of the company . Mibcon is ranked among the leaders in their sale every year. The company has been using SAP’s products for nearly 20 years to help companies and enterprises both locally and internationally to optimize their business processes.

Learn more about solutions offered by Mibcon.

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Contact Details

Rádiová 45
821 04 Bratislava – Ružinov district
Slovak Republic



stronger than one