

United VARs

124 times read
Embracing Industry 4.0

Embracing Industry 4.0

A few years ago, it was unthinkable to imagine factories where machines not only produced goods but, through sensors and advanced systems, collaborated and interconnected with each other without human intervention, thinking and learning to optimise processes, reduce costs, and minimise waste. However, what seemed like science fiction yesterday is now a reality in many…

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United VARs

87 times read
It's time to embrace Green Hydrogen

It's time to embrace Green Hydrogen

The planet faces an increasing threat from climate change and global warming. If current emission reduction policies do not improve, the temperature will rise by at least 3 degrees Celsius during this century. Hope lies in the use of renewable energies, particularly green hydrogen, a key piece in the puzzle of the global energy transition.

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United VARs

117 times read
Optimize business processes to achieve success

Optimize business processes to achieve success

Business processes are fundamental to the efficient operation and competitiveness of organisations. They define how a company operates, from acquiring raw materials to delivering the final product or service to customers. They are the very essence of the business machinery, determining how daily tasks are carried out, how resources are managed, and how the organisation's…

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United VARs

148 times read
The future of work is here

The future of work is here

The rapid advancement of new technologies is transforming the world of work as we once knew it. Artificial intelligence, predictive data analysis, machine learning, the Internet of Things, and robotics, among other innovative tools, are not only improving the efficiency and productivity of organisations but also generating jobs and demanding new skills to adapt to the…

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