Why SAP HANA® in the Cloud?

We love SAP HANA in the cloud, and so do our customers, but we recognize that a lot of SAP ERP users aren’t exactly excited about the SAP migrating process. With so much riding on the success of your SAP migration, many companies would prefer not to take the risk. If not for the 2025 deadline (after which SAP will no longer support non-HANA databases), we’d expect to see a lot of them staying put on their existing DB platform and application version.

But by transforming your landscape, SAP HANA has the potential to unlock major benefits for your business. With S/4HANA cloud additions like real time analytics, improved application support and an intuitive UI, your company can be more productive, competitive and agile.

But there’s a hitch: a successful SAP implementation requires careful planning, meticulous testing and (for most companies) the help of a highly experienced partner. If you want HANA to be transformative, you need to treat it as more than just another update.

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