United VARs APJ Regional Summit – The First of its Kind!
12 local member companies from the APJ region meet to explore project oportunities
Alliance expands into APJ Region // First cross-functional United VARs meeting ever // 12 local member companies meet to explore project opportunities // Strong economic growth in APJ // Global and regional SAP enablement session alignment // Unique international SAP rollout opportunities
read moreUnited VARs Annual Meeting
Celebrating its Members’ 2018 Pinnacle Awards & Exploring New Opportunities in the Unique SAP Ecosystem: The Global Alliance of Leading VARs.
Strong performing SAP Global Platinum Reseller United VARs achieves business volume of over EUR 100 million / Family growth: new members strengthen local presence in Southeast Asia / Nine times awarded at SAP Pinnacle Awards 2018 / Three Pinnacle Awards for Seidor and B4B Solutions / New partners expand the United VARs portfolio / More than 150 customers with SAP S/4HANA / ERP increasingly turning the cloud into a top executive dialogue at the United VARs annual conference in Walldorf / Digital transformation is accelerating
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The annual meeting of United VARs
Together we are stronger
Every year the SAP headquarters in Walldorf, Germany hosts the United VARs Annual Meeting, which will take place this year in April with over 100 representative members participating throughout the three days.

Review: United VARs Annual Meeting 2017
It is good tradition that all United VARs members come together for almost a full week every year to exchange information, receive the latest news from SAP, make important decisions or just network among each other and people from SAP. This year the meeting was hosted again from SAP in their headquarter in Walldorf, Germany; it took place from April 24 – 27.
read moreUnited VARs Announces Its Participation at SAPPHIRE® NOW
To Showcase SAP® S/4HANA Solution and Services for New and Existing Customers
United VARs, an SAP platinum partner, today announced that it will participate at SAPPHIRE® NOW and ASUG Annual Conference being held May 17–19 in Orlando, Florida in Booth 1046 to showcase its solution and services portfolio for SAP® Business Suite 4 SAP HANA® (SAP S/4HANA) to new and existing customers.
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United VARs 2019 Annual Meeting
The Global SAP Value Added Reseller Alliance Focused on Driving Global Strategic Initiatives towards the S/4HANA Movement
The Number 1 alliance of SAP Global Platinum Resellers, United VARs, held its 13th Annual Meeting, uniting over 50 members from over 90 countries all over the world. / Adaire Fox-Martin held the introductory keynote speech at SAP in St.Leon-Rot, Germany on the 2nd of April. / High quality SAP partners from Eastern Europe and Asia joined United VARs. / Global strategic initiative: The United VARs Conversion Factories are leading the way to S/4HANA Movement in 2019. / Seidor and B4B Solutions received two SAP Pinnacle awards. / The WASH Social Responsibility Project will Help Bring Clean Water and Hygiene to Northern Cambodia. / New Solution Partners Joined the Alliance.
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Upcoming: United VARs Annual Meeting 2017
United VARs' 11th Annual Meeting will take place in Walldorf, Germany from April 24-27, 2017. Over 100 participants from 40+ countries are expected to attend, including numerous guests from SAP and our strategic partners. The keynote speakers, Stefan Höchbauer (SAP President Region MEE) and Rodolpho Cardenuto (SAP President General Business), are some of the event's highlights.
read moreData Privacy and Protection for SAP
Data Privacy and Protection for SAP is SAP Analytics Cloud application designed for all SAP customers for monitoring and reporting on access to sensitive data. Solution provides easy to use visualizations, dashboards and detailed reports for data access. Solution can easily guide you to the information who had accessed a given sensitive information /e.g. payroll/.
read moreUnited VARs Aims for the Summit with Digitalization
Mount Everest in our Sights
Taking the SAP HANA platform to Mount Everest / World’s biggest and most innovative SAP reseller alliance unites local strengths with global scale / Enhanced local presence amid the global growth centers of Southeast Asia / 860 new SAP customers / Strongest performing SAP global platinum reseller
read moreUpcoming: SAPPHIRE NOW 2017
Booth Will Spotlight Three United VARs Resellers: Answerthink, Illumiti, & Seidor
The annual SAPPHIRE conference will be held again in Orlando, USA from May 16-18, 2017. United VARs will be an exhibitor at the event again this year.
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The battle for equality in the tech industry
Reducing the gender gap in the labour market is one of humanity’s greatest challenges. Ensuring that women have the same opportunities as men in accessing, developing, and progressing in work would be highly beneficial for the world, both socially and economically. However, gender disparity in economic participation and opportunities remains high, with profound implications…
read moreUnited VARs Receives 2017 SAP Pinnacle Award
»Special Recognition Partner of the Year«
Digital transformation: Small to midsize enterprises are expanding their global business and entering new markets with SAP S/4HANA / United VARs, the world’s largest and most innovative SAP reseller alliance, unites local strengths with global scale / Recognized for the first time with an SAP Pinnacle Award for its outstanding abilities in developing innovative solutions

stronger than one