United VARs

3456 times read
5 Countries, 5 Facts

5 Countries, 5 Facts

Your SAP Roll-out to a BRICS country

BRICS is the acronym for the combined emerging economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa. They come from Asia, Africa, Europe and America, and are all members of the G20. Collectively they account for around 42% of the world’s population and around 26% of the world’s land mass. Analysts have speculated that by the year 2050, these five economies will be…

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Mibcon | United VARs member Czech Republic

2590 times read

Data Privacy and Protection for SAP

Data Privacy and Protection for SAP is SAP Analytics Cloud application designed for all SAP customers for monitoring and reporting on access to sensitive data. Solution provides easy to use visualizations, dashboards and detailed reports for data access. Solution can easily guide you to the information who had accessed a given sensitive information /e.g. payroll/.

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TeamIdea | United VARs member Russia

5522 times read
"It is impossible to offer ByD in the Russian market": What You Need to Know About ERP Integration in Russia

"It is impossible to offer ByD in the Russian market": What You Need to Know About ERP Integration in Russia

SAP ERP Rollouts to the BRICS Countries: Russia

As the Russian economy goes, so goes the ERP market in Russia. Over ten years ago, the general perception of the Russian IT market was that exceeding sales expectations there was not exactly a walk in the park when compared with Western markets. However, some sizable opportunities were waiting there. Later, in 2015, the Russian IT industry was considered to be one of the fastest growing markets, with 50% of ERP market share belonging to SAP.

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United VARs

3615 times read

United VARs Annual Meeting

Celebrating its Members’ 2018 Pinnacle Awards & Exploring New Opportunities in the Unique SAP Ecosystem: The Global Alliance of Leading VARs.

Strong performing SAP Global Platinum Reseller United VARs achieves business volume of over EUR 100 million / Family growth: new members strengthen local presence in Southeast Asia / Nine times awarded at SAP Pinnacle Awards 2018 / Three Pinnacle Awards for Seidor and B4B Solutions / New partners expand the United VARs portfolio / More than 150 customers with SAP S/4HANA / ERP increasingly turning the cloud into a top executive dialogue at the United VARs annual conference in Walldorf / Digital transformation is accelerating

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United VARs

2545 times read
Vast Potential for Growth in Asia

Vast Potential for Growth in Asia

5 Trends in 2018

AXXIS Consulting (Singapore), MIT (Myanmar) and Soltius (Indonesia) are the three new Asian member companies of United VARs that joined the alliance in 2018.

Asia represents a land full of opportunities, and last year showed the most robust performance globally. Not only one-third of the world’s largest economies are in the Asia, Pacific, and Japan region but Asia alone will add as much value as three Eurozones combined to the global economy in the next 25 years. Let’s take a closer look at upcoming trends for this year and beyond for the region.

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